Gert  2009 - 2010  R.I.P.

Pastel on Strathmore 400
Gert, a Rhode Island Red passed away August 2010. Gert belonged
to Sarah (my daughter) and John, both college students in Ellensburg,
Washington. She was found in her coop unresponsive, no trauma, no
cause of death detected. She just died! Gert roamed the mini-farm
free when she chose and got along just fine with two big Labs and
the ducks in the pond. Gert is survived by her siblings Elanor [sic]
and Bernice. She will be missed.

November 2010 footnote: A Falcon killed both Elanor and Bernice. 
Drawings From Old Sketchbooks
Drawings and sketches culled from drawing pads, journals,
sketchbooks and old files. Some fairly new but mostly old
sketches, some drawn from life, some drawn as comps for
commissioned projects and some as just studies for the fun
of it. Like most artists, I have dozens of sketchbooks, large
and small. My favorites the last few years are the Moleskine
books. I always have one with me, along with a small camera
wherever I go. My other drawing media are Strathmore
400 papers and pads for general use and a variety of other
papers for highly finished drawings.

Illustration Pages
Many thanks to Illustration Pages blog for featuring my work
on the site.  I'm honored. Their very kind words about
the artwork is very much appreciated.
(Note: Unfortunately the blog has been closed. It was a
great site.)

Thanks to Artslant
Thanks to for selecting my painting "Cake"
shown below in the Taxi post, as one of the winners in the
Artslant 3rd 2010 Showcase Awards.
Taxi Website "Image of Today"
Art featured on Taxi's site April 7, "Image of Today".
Much thanks to Taxi for showing my work.
I have a portfolio listed with Taxi, a fine global creative
site based in Singapore.

Experimental Art 
Raw Art

 Experimental art created during college days, influenced by the art
 of Jean Dubuffet, also Francis Bacon, Oskar Kokoshka, Alberto
 Giacometti, et al. Jean Dubuffett (1901-1985) coined the phrase 
 Art Brut or "raw art" to describe his work at the time, (the 1940's).  
 He studied the art of psychiatric patients, children and other "naive"
 or self-taught artists, and although seemingly comical and satirical, 
 Dubuffet's paintings harbor a mesmerizing quality. Also, English
 critic Roger Cardinal used the phrase "Outsider Art" to describe
 these types of non-conventional works- "outside the boundaries
 of conventional culture".* [sic]

* Roger Cardinal, Outside Art, 1972
 From the left:  Dubuffet, Bacon, Kokoshka, Giacometti

Mountaineer Sketches

Mt. Rainier and Emmons Glacier,
Oil on Canvas (cropped image)

Mt. Olympus

Sketchbook drawings, done back in the Jurasic, inspired by photographs taken
by my brother and his two climbing partners on a winter ascent of the north face
of Mt. Olympus outside Salt Lake City--- a huge hunk of rotten rock, one would
be hard pressed to climb in the summer let alone in the winter. I have however,
always been proud of him for doing it.
