Gert  2009 - 2010  R.I.P.

Pastel on Strathmore 400
Gert, a Rhode Island Red passed away August 2010. Gert belonged
to Sarah (my daughter) and John, both college students in Ellensburg,
Washington. She was found in her coop unresponsive, no trauma, no
cause of death detected. She just died! Gert roamed the mini-farm
free when she chose and got along just fine with two big Labs and
the ducks in the pond. Gert is survived by her siblings Elanor [sic]
and Bernice. She will be missed.

November 2010 footnote: A Falcon killed both Elanor and Bernice. 

1 comment:

Diane Hoeptner said...

Beautiful!! So sensitively rendered.
